Love is

I could forgive, but then I wouldn’t be angry
and anger destroys relationship.

I could strive to be pure,
but then I couldn’t be impure.
The harvest of impurity is anger
and anger destroys relationship.

I could show commitment,
but then I couldn’t break promises.
Broken promises build anger
and anger destroys relationship.

I could have integrity,
but then I couldn’t break my word.
Broken words a reckless cause of anger
and anger destroys relationship.

I could be tolerant
but then I’d have to be patient.
My impatience is a recipe for anger
and anger destroys relationship.

I could love
because that is the higher good;
higher even than my anger;
in its arms I find my tolerance
a place of rest for my integrity,
a haven for my commitment,
a temple to my purity,
a path to my forgiveness,
a place for my relationships to grow.

Love is …

© G. Burns 28-Apr-2012