
Borderland was where we met;
paths wove on stony ground.
Upon mare’s back you rode,
with stallion held to my command.

Masks pushed aside
amidst the faint red sky
revealed in wavering scene
where features lit the world.

Pitch black, your mount,
yet mine as white as day;
the stones of nature’s wrath,
the courtyard where we played.

The dust of haze suspended
in such desert place;
miasma to the senses
caught and there amazed.

The fall of hoof to earth
became remembered dance
before the desert wind
confused in wilder chance

where wisps of breeze
upon that border place
restored its pristine honour
given us in grace.

© G. Burns 26-Jan-2013

Woodland reverie

The trees that blow in summer breeze
strip off their bark with careless ease
then dip their toes in waters there
without a thought, without a care.

Their leafy features casting shade
across the woodland’s green parade,
next to the waters of the creek
that as they rush to river, speak;

with babbling state their endless quest
to meet the ocean and find rest,
to all and sundry standing near,
to anyone who stays to hear.

Like birds that fossick for the worm
or grubs within the soil turned,
to possums sleeping in the trees,
in daylight hours taking ease.

We move across the greensward sway
to listen to its woodland say
the many pleasures and its cheer
to taste the waters’ foaming beer;

brewed in the mountains of delight
to then descend from greatest height.
Rolled down to them in barrel time
of high country and acres climb;

arrived from place where cattle graze
on rugged pastures where they gaze
upon the sky and watery clouds
formed from the lowlands and surrounds.

Rain weeps its tears of purest bliss
to grace the earth with gentle kiss
and roll delightfully to speak
into the hurried, rushing creek.

© G. Burns 11-Jan-2013


I looked into the mirror,
Saw that I was naked,
Nothing hidden from view;
I stood
Somewhat ridiculous,
Totally exposed.

Folds of flesh
Making mockery
Of thought and mind.
A civilised veneer
Peeled away and
All revealed.

Chill rose from the tiles
Reflected in
Stark black and white;
Behind me warmth,
But winter grey seeped into
My reflection.

I saw myself there,
Striped back to the essential;
Not much to see,
Nothing to desire,
Just me.

© G. Burns 2-Jan-2013


The sky of blue and golden threads,
the breeze that tousles leafy heads,
cicadas singing in the grass
of fragile longings, hopes that last

nested snugly on day’s breast
taking solace amidst the tests
of summer time with mid day heat,
no evening breeze yet gives relief.

Sun creeps slowly over sky,
us older ones so softly sigh;
recalling times of youthful bliss,
of chasing girls who tease and kiss.

Remember how they used to flirt
with their pretty dancing skirts
flung to winds of straw or chance
within the barns abundant dance.

But now more mellow in our years,
full, life’s sorrows and her fears;
we live complete in joyous past,
hold delight in memory’s grasp.

Then as the sky turns gently grey
so branches sigh and softly sway,
evening comes as end of day
keeping still some heat to stay.

© G. Burns 31-Dec-2012

Clear Sailing

We tacked against the weaving crowd
washed forth from winds of whim.
We carried to the corner buoy
comprised of doughnut king.

The handbag quickly winched inward
the crew leaned hard about
and felt the foam of frothing cups
from cappuccino’s spout.

We raised then lowered shopping sails
of green and golden hue
controlling all the outmost ones
our victory pursued.

Then finally we hit the straits
our destination clear
ahead the electronic doors
and onward without fear.

We reached the line of milling cars
where parking space was saved
to draw aside the waiting car,
in victory parade.

© G. Burns 29-Dec-2012

Aliterative P

Panic attacks
Puzzle paramedics who
Prescribe pharmaceutic
Preparations from phials as
Panacea purchased from
Practicing physicians for
Performing post operative

Philharmonic pieces
Planed by players
Picked during practice
Played piano on piccillo
Placed particularly appropos
Prior to polenaise
Passages programmed from
Previous performance.

Punks park
Powerful Pontiacs
Perfectly pending
Prosecution of pranks.

Pugnatious in perspicuity.
Police prepare placements for
Prevention of

Pleasurable poets
Performing perilous
Personification in
Political perception
Pairing placement of
Perfect pitch with
Possibilities of

Pineapple pieces,
Paw paw and pear
Poured over palm oil
Preserved perfectly
In purple punch bowls.
Procured previously by
Platinum card

Pixies in pink
Performing pirrouettes;
Pointed pinkies
Placed particularly
Prancing, playing;
Pleasurable to
Perception and praise of

© G.Burns 2-Jun-2012


Black ear warmers
Slid sweatbank like on head;
Lycra suit
Thin and looks a little
Daft over my frame;
Fingerless gloves
Slide smoothly
On my wrist.
Next wind vest,
Gossamer protection on my chest.

Wear the helmet,
Check the tyres
Raise the seat
Oil the chain
Start the lights
Shut the door

Stars gleam overhead
The milky way,
Hid by city lights;
But Orion’s in his saucepan
And Sirius, he beams while
Canopus, he steers;
I am away!

Wind whistling
Tingles in my fingers past my gloves
Air flowing, churning
Feet winding, turning;
Hilltop climb
(A little one)
Then fly down with lights ablaze
And brakes afire.

Upon the path and all is dark
Except rivers of sight
Provided by the lights
Waterbirds and frogs are calling
The duck, the ibis and others
I can’t tell
Beside the way.

Gentle light
Flows upon the pool.
Gleaming covers cast
Across their watery edge;
With no takers in the cold;
Not even ducks
In wading pond this chilly morn.

Weave down narrow hill path
Ride across some roads
Wave branches aside
And duck my head
Until I’m past
And back on roads
Before the bridge.

I climb
Over the railway line
Upon the bridge
With twisted turns.
A train is there,
It sounds its horn
And makes me jump.

Daylight shows the golf course
In chilly morning gleam
With fences high
And flags that fly
Above the greens
That hopefully
They hit.

Now I’m on the flat
And other cyclists
Joining in
They call to one another.
“Passing” is what they say
When they’re not
Screaming out abuse.

Next down upon the river
And I turn to go upstream.
Some boats are there
Skimming on the water
Like mozzies on a pond.
Planting eggs of ripples
As they move along.

Rise to journeys end
Past pub and brewery then
I pause and rest
To catch my breath
And climb the step
And work collect;
Before ride at end of day.

© G.Burns 2-Jun-2012

Ship of Fools

Oh, a ship of fools are we
Sailing seas of lunacy
Blowing where the wind prevails
Gusting as it fills our sails.

Putting in to foreign ports,
Reckless with our crazy talk
Locals come to see us too;
Raving, babbling human zoo.

We can only stay awhile
'Til our presence cramps their style.
Then we steer back to the sea;
Wandering wind takes you and me

Out beyond the reach of kin
In atonement of our sin
Until the journey is a place
Of madness that we all embrace.
© G. Burns 25-May-2012


We raised it well with kindness
Catered for its many needs;
Held it closely in our arms
And carefully did feed.

It started as an infant
Nurtured ’til it grew so strong
Placed in a good enclosure
So that nothing could go wrong.

At times we would release it
And it curled about our feet
Forever choose forgive it
If it sat upon our seat.

Then back into encloure
There reside in happy state
When leaving time’s upon us
We depart both good and late.

Tomorrow is a new day,
Quickly little friend return.
Waiting for us patiently,
Such friendship we’d not spurn.

Huddling near to idle
Rubbing closely at the door
Hoping we would feed it soon
Sweet little metaphor.

© G. Burns 15-May-2012

Logical nonsense

If one's zero
And zero's one
Together we 
Could have such fun.
For one is two.
You see it's true!
Yet two is one,
Together run!
The pope and I,
You wonder why,
Form set of two;
You see we do.

Yet two is one,
We've just begun,
The pope and I
To one we fly;

And if the set
Together met,
The pope the same
Then this remains.

I am the pope
I do decree.
If one were zero.
Silly me!

© G.Burns 12-May-2011