Bugs and bubbles

Bug flies
into my eye
And then
He dies.
I’m not suprised
At his demise.
Game over,
Red Rover!
Take that bug lord!

I then ignore,
Or so I try;
Hand upon the handlebar
Weaving back and forth.
Eyes watering,
Hand to eye,
And parts of bug.
I blink,
And blink,
And blink.

Which makes me think.
If this one little bug
Effects me so
How will I go?

Incovenience of death?
A body that remains?
People’s lives then
Swerved off course?
But more than that,
We feel.

We feel the grief of passing
That a bug will never know.
We feel the loss inside us
And we weep.

Weeping like my blink,
To help put aside a loss
Of loved ones dear,
We’ve not forget.
Within that grief
We’re found!

Our lives are but a bubble
Between water deep and sky.
Yet, to rail against the lord of bubbles
Makes no sense
We die.

© G. Burns 13-Apr-2012


In the landscape of your mind,
What am I? What am I?

A towering peak, both tall and proud?
A jagged shoreline with sandy shroud?
A gentle dew upon your leaf
Vanishes away when sunlight peaks.

The source of springs to give you life
To take your hand, make you my wife;
Or just the lonely call of birds
Deep in the forest undisturbed.

The gentle clay in water's path
Worn away til gone at last.
Both mystery and silence too;
Now I wonder what you shall do.

© G.B. 11-Jan-2012

Death and bureaucracy

I must admit when death walked in the room
I was surprised;
Not realised
That I should be expecting guests so soon.
I’d not prepared.
Yet he was there.
I asked him if he’d like to take a seat.
He sighed then groaned
“I’ll rest my bones.”
I mentioned the refreshments were out back
“I’d seen your lack.”
“I’ve had my snack.”
His horse was stabled back of my garage
It was enough,
A little rough.
I asked him what his business was that day
“I’ve come for you.”
His fingers drew.
I gasped a little at his forward tone.
I was alone
Within my home.
I questioned whether something had gone wrong.
“It won’t take long”
“Then you’ll be gone.”
But surely there is something left to say?
My voice dismayed!
This news amazed.
“Today I’m passing strict Islamic law.”
There was uproar,
I won’t ignore!
Then he explained “hard economic times”
Had hit them there,
Now they job share.
“If only you were scheduled for mid-week!”
“Deferral seek!”
“You’re up the creek.”
I begged if he’d consider my complaint
“Department eight”
“Handled by saints.”
Stood in queues six millennia or more
Until I saw
My life no more.

© G. Burns 15-Mar-2012

Young love

Beauty’s face candlelit by setting sun
Of rose infusion colour marked by day,
That wondrous joy of lovers delight won
Victory of hope and happiness to stay.

Yet world’s confusion interferes with hope
Responsibilities dissolve that joy.
The world of waiting, wishing to elope
Remain instead, forever care employ.

With heavy heart the joyful must delay
Impulsive desire storing deep in trust
Embryonic love, aborted dismay
Awaiting consummation of its lust.

Yet treasure house of living still awaits
Delight a garden harvest contemplates.

© G. Burns 11-Mar-2012


Three-methyl-indole so attractive to those bees
Three-methyl-indole placed exactly as you please
Astonishing the formula obtained through words unspoke
Can place it in a cigarette that from a mouth does smoke.

Floral bouquet placement, simply a gentle touch
Beware oedema sad should you apply too much.
Precipitous held beaker dang’rous high above the head.
Perhaps it should be kept away from gallivanting thread.

Careless lost containment, disaster will ensue
Catastrophic failure in anyone’s purview.
Cafeteria’s deserted, always alone to dine
Upon three-methyl-indole it’s now added to the wine.

© G. Burns 7-Mar-2012


Poets, Prophets, Madmen, Fools

Poets, Prophets, Madmen, Fools

Poets, prophets, madmen, fools
Publishing such golden rules
Feed the poor and care for sick
Teach them wisdom, make it stick.

Honour, wisdom, justice fair
Better that than never care
Despite hubris vain and wan
Glorious throne to sit upon.

Splendor, glory, courage bear
Know your limits and to spare.
Disregard the purchase cost
Or those things that you have lost.

Hopeful, costly ever dream
Things are not just what they seem.
Greater wealth is yours in trust
Hope for mercy, kind as just.

Tender mercy, gentle cares
Rescue from the demon lairs.
Bind up all our wounded hearts
Give us each a reborn start.

Refresh, rebirth, restore, remain
Never reject that kingdom’s claim
Speak boldly language not of self
Thereby reclaim eternal health.

 © G. Burns 3-Mar-2012

Garden of unearthly delights

Wandering within that garden
Of unearthly delights revealed
Takes me darkly without pardon
To your secret thoughts concealed.

Magicians upon that byway
Skillfully demonstrate their wares
Displaying sleight of hand and card play
Drawing coins beyond the air.

Puppets in loud voices fighting
Manipulated on a stage
Casting insults quick as lightning
Mixed with wisdom clear and sage.

Signwriters of stunning beauty
Luxuriate upon the grass
And with calligraphic cruelty
Tell of wonders we must pass.

Booths illustrated boldly bright
Hinting secrets and delight
Mysterious and out of sight
Prepare for coming of the night.
© G. Burns 3-Mar-2012
With thanks to the Adelaide fringe festival.

Hurdie Gurdie

Spin my wheel
Around I go
Sometimes high and
Sometimes low.

A merry melody I sound
But never mind
The drone! The drone!

You spin me quickly
Spin me slow
Around, around,
Around I go.

Pleasant tuneful
Of a kind.
The drone! The drone!

And seldom rhymed;
This odd instrument
That shapes my mind.

And strange with
Every sound I make.
The drone! The drone!

Press my strings
And each does sound
And once again
Around! Around!

Until you think
I’m fully known.
The drone! The drone!
The drone! The drone!

© Greg Burns 2011


Warm and soft her sinuous body
Was Wrapped around my leg entwined.
Waiting for me to join her
So to dine.

Innocence displayed extravagant
Yet all a lie set to deceive
Through a consuming web gain
Her victory.

Cruelty bridled by chance alone
Yet unleashed within an instant
When unsuspecting quarry
She pursues.

Do not ever believe her lure
Young man or bleeding you’ll repent.
And rue the day you ever
Saw her too.

Though soft and subtle seems her charm
And gentle is her sweet caress.
She only waits to do you harm
And in her paws there lingers death.

© G. Burns 1-Feb-2012

Leaning how to fail

I spent so much time
Learning to succeed
That when it came time
And I really had to fail
I didn’t know how.

Learning how to fail
Is one of life’s skills
It isn’t taught in
School or college very well.
A spiritual thing.

Like many of life’s other
Spiritual things
We leave it to chance
Maybe it will develop
Like opinion or romance.

Maybe it doesn’t
Matter should we rail
Against the very fact
We don’t know how to fail
(A spiritual thing).

© G. Burns 26-Jan-2012