
Borderland was where we met;
paths wove on stony ground.
Upon mare’s back you rode,
with stallion held to my command.

Masks pushed aside
amidst the faint red sky
revealed in wavering scene
where features lit the world.

Pitch black, your mount,
yet mine as white as day;
the stones of nature’s wrath,
the courtyard where we played.

The dust of haze suspended
in such desert place;
miasma to the senses
caught and there amazed.

The fall of hoof to earth
became remembered dance
before the desert wind
confused in wilder chance

where wisps of breeze
upon that border place
restored its pristine honour
given us in grace.

© G. Burns 26-Jan-2013

Time of flowers

It was a time of flowers
carpeting the earth with colour;
captivating with their charm
as they scintillate in the sunshine.

Covering the chalk and clay
with crochet of kingly creation.
Sending aromatic cascades into the sky;
careering libation to the senses.

Nectar scents rising in circles;
sweet enticement to the insects
inducting them into
secrets of stem and stamen.

Country air hiding hints of chill
in coming caution of summer’s call;
crying life to crimson and carmine
in corncupiscent statements of sincerity.

Creation’s kindness crafted
into colourful curtains as
chromatic symphony of senses
soaring into season’s soliloquy.

Kisses coming collectively from
carnation and chrysanthemum
calling concentration to cupped corolla;
it was a time of flowers.

© G.Burns 26-Dec-2012


Clear Sailing

We tacked against the weaving crowd
washed forth from winds of whim.
We carried to the corner buoy
comprised of doughnut king.

The handbag quickly winched inward
the crew leaned hard about
and felt the foam of frothing cups
from cappuccino’s spout.

We raised then lowered shopping sails
of green and golden hue
controlling all the outmost ones
our victory pursued.

Then finally we hit the straits
our destination clear
ahead the electronic doors
and onward without fear.

We reached the line of milling cars
where parking space was saved
to draw aside the waiting car,
in victory parade.

© G. Burns 29-Dec-2012


Hate is love
aborted out of time
cast upon the needles
of indifference.

Our speech
blackened pools of blood
smeared across
a table of distress.

Stony hearts
smashed the pottery
of compassion
leaving but a shell.

All that remains,
this product
of conception
of our hate.

© G.Burns 14-Dec-2012

Fair warning

In fairy dust described, a path’s emblazoned air
to welcome those whose mystic steps engage the fair.

To mortal eyes that place is but a house of dust
suspended there beneath the sky’s emblazoned air.

Forgetting chains of flesh I cried into the sky
for beauty captive held in trust engage the fair.

With wing of gossamer and touch submit my trust
within a crystal palace of emblazoned air.

Bereft on waking, sorrow made me fit to die
abandoned whim of fairy folk without a care.

This memory is precious as the dawning sky
but Iggy warns others that danger’s ever there.

© G. Burns 9-Dec-2012

Free spirit

She tickles all the flowers
and the leaves within the trees,
limbs she links within an arm
swing dancing in her breeze.

She soars among the mountains,
climbing high above the hills
teaching them to find their voice
in singing and in trills.

She dives along the coast line
splashing body surfs to shore
helping waves to lift their heads
until they are no more.

She soars into the late sky
to finger paint the clouds
high above the setting sun
with golden ruby shrouds.

© G. Burns 16-10-2012

Modern Medicine

I passed to you a caloric of heat
then dephlogisticated air to breathe.
Allowing for your fading heart to beat
I trust that this affords you some relief.

Your arm I swiftly cut releasing blood
so carefully I then applied a leech;
Next bound your wound in poultice made of mud
to stem the bleeding out of such a breach.

Now circulations flowing as the tide
to pass in forward-backward motions course.
Your health seems somewhat fragile I confide
but should respond to treatment by our nurse.

Young fellow you should thank your lucky stars
our latest medicine none can surpass.

© G. Burns 3-Dec-2012


Numbers that sing a joyful day
Together love and dance and sway,
Multiply in happy time
Always increasing gifts of mine.

The fractions taste like lemon grass;
And integers with flavour last.
Real numbers are a good red wine
Drank from a golden columbine.

The liquorice of angular roots
Drawn out in Pythagorean soot;
Or complex ones imaginary
Like oysters taken from the sea,

The matrices form up in lines
And dance with melody sublime
And Hamiltonians parade
And spin and weave in yonder glade.

But do be careful, don't divide
Lest ground you walk upon subside;
Discover where your faith is laid
May suddenly become unmade.

For though these numbers be our friends
In recklessness their blessing spend
And what we've gained becomes our cost
'Til we regret all that we've lost.

© G.Burns 13-Jun-2012


Dynamic movement
Envelope of airflow
Friction reduced to nought
Generation of lightness and lift
Horizons opening to eternity
Inspirational and aspiring
Joined to the heavens
Kingly perspective
Leaping lightly
Quota of delight
Range of view extended
Symmetry of all space and time
Turbulence annulled
Undercarriage open
View descending
Wheels spin
Xerus runs
Yaw cease

© G. Burns 21-May-2012


She came from within the smoky mirror,
Destruction’s startling beauty now reflects.
There was no longer time to consider
Our indecision or to introspect.

Whole being now set to illuminate
To weave and duck escaping spells engaged.
I cannot find it in me to just hate
The anger of this moment to enrage.

Yet deadly fire delivered in real world,
Defensive death emplacement to this charm.
A lover’s beauty placed upon a girl’s
Mission obliteration to my harm.

I sail serene upon air’s waves until
Homecoming above oceans of my kill.

© G. Burns 20-Apr-2012