Two world

She lived one world
He lived in two
Though she could not visit him
He could get through.

Trapped within fabric
Life torn within
This patchwork of connections
A web spun true.

Met a girl who went
Along wrong way
Asked if she could get to him
Became dismay.

We suggested she
Needed to stop
Allow her correction to
Return same day.

Two world is complex
One is quite straight
But two world is simpler to
A path create.

© G. Burns 16-Mar-2012


Those beautiful lies seductively true
Becoming inspired, divert and constrain
Until shattered conceal considered purview.
Forsake innocence, let nothing remain!

For paths become broken, never to heal.
Memories forgotten when leading to grief.
Raw misconceptions, illusion and real;
Kidnapping kindness and love’s true relief.

Cunningly led to that cliff face “despair”
Where enemies hope carelessly wins
Waiting below ‘til that carcass of air
Captures in cups all the blood of our sins.

Yet promise of flight, we open our wings
Deliver from death and all of her stings.

© G. Burns 8-Mar-2012

Aphasia (or obsession)

The flavour of your eyes
Strong peppermint of a caress
It elevates to soaring heights
And draws away one’s very breath.

That breath becomes a symphony
An orchestra of love;
Drawn in as pure monophony,
Song rising, touching as a dove.

Your speech becomes a texture soft
Carefree it’s silken smooth and fresh;
To carry high aloft
Then with all senses to enmesh.

Your touch it is chromatic blue
Within a spectrum come awake.
Embrace with such a rainbow hue
Your slave forever make.

© G. Burns 20-Feb-2012

Only words

Words, coming at me.
They hurt, they hurt.
Relentless, cruel
They carve their marks in my soul.

I try to move away, but the words,
They follow me.
They sting me with their barbs.
I weep with the pain they bring.

I cover my ears and close my eyes
And hope they will go away.
But you find me, you push my limbs apart
And try to force the words deep within.

I run screaming,
To the outside world
Shoes forgotten
Into the rain.

Blessed relief!

© G. Burns 13-Feb-2011


Narcissus! Looking down a well,
Hoping to see heaven,
But all he sees is hell.

Poor Echo! Can you hear her call
Crying out Again! Again!
Becoming very small.

Grandiose is that very bait
Deluded self importance
‘Till he’s what he most hates.

He’s Splitting, hairs fine as a pin
Today what is a blessing
Tomorrow is a sin.

Projecting, flaws both small and big
Onto those around him
As to a herd of pig.

Narcissus cannot move a limb
Lest he disturb the water,
And image held within.

Narcissus, you are born in every age.
Living out a life of
Quiet narcissistic rage.

© G. Burns 29-Jan-2012