Victorian Kitchen Garden

Birds calling in the garden
Singing greeting to the dawn
A prelude to the coming day
To welcome world reborn.

Herbs in growing scented rows
With a light aroma sweet
Flowers growing around the edge
As garden walls they meet.

Simple grows the primrose,
Daisy’s subtle slender stems
Beside trunks of ancient oak trees
Whose roots there weave and wend.

Mists rising to the new day
To respond to ancient call
Modest covering aurora,
Her radiance earthward falls.

Spring blessing so embrace us
Grown from life deep underground
Adds fragrance to our garden
Its glory to surround.

In summer days to cherish
All the riches of the soil
What we grow within our garden
As bounty of our toil.

© G. Burns 25-Apr-2012



I’m a beautiful flower
Spin enchantment through the courtyard,
Weaving, dancing, casting
Magic everywhere.
Bouquet’s rich aroma
An intenstity of motion
Effortless engagement
Now he is here.

Her beauty here delights me
Essence of my inner fire.
Singing, hoping, being
Cascading colour
Enchant my deep desire
So forever hope inspires
And silences my heart;
For she is here.

Look at them both over there,
Don’t have the tinyiest bit of shame.
Laughing, crying, shouting!
Annoys everybody
Ownership they claim,
Beyond all reason they remain
To disturb my morning;
For here they are.

© G.Burns 22-Apr-2012

Singharaja forest

Within the Singharaja forest deep
Dwell elephants with waving ears and trunk,
Enchanted place where trees to heaven leap,
Since converting the water that they’ve drunk.

In slender torrents waterfalls cascade
And deer upon the golden grasses graze.
In peaceful places deep within a glade,
Where breezes rising lift the seasons haze,

Grow harvest, paddy fields abundant gold
And tea plantation yields a fragrant crop
To give our village profit from what’s sold
And trading goods with others we may swap.

I love this place of family, hope and love;
I wish upon you blessings from above.

© G. Burns 15-Apr-2012


Hot air balloons float high above my path
A Ferris wheel of colour shows the way;
A candelabrum fascinated laughs
And lifts my spirit there to roll yet stay.

Flocks of ducks wheeling circle overhead
To land in wading pool and splash about;
Hilarity both waddling and well fed
After the autumn rain relieved the drought.

Mists arise in place of grass and water
As spectral forming hands gesticulate;
Clouds the morning now declares as daughter
Join earth and sky as one to procreate.

My spirit spinning, wheels slowing then start,
Enjoying cycling heaven is my heart.

© G. Burns 29-Mar-2012

Under Hill

Beside embankment stream that flows
Swift with the waters melted snow.
Beneath a hill of green and straw
There lives a kingdom that's no more.

The Twyleth Teg therein reside
Secret awareness gently hide
A faery kingdom underground
That never mortal mind has found.

They sing and dance forever in
The halls of under mountain king;
And if one ever hopes to be
Without their blessing there to see

Such magic deep and wrestling games
Or crystal coins the gamblers claim
You'll ointment magical anoint
Your eyes as if they did appoint

You as a favoured love or friend
To gift their royal cause or end.
Then travel road to under earth
Present the tribute of your birth.

A child or sister born most fair
To live a life amongst them there.
To mortal eye a place of dirt
Yet magic sight amaze, divert.

The tree inverted to its shade
That magic kingdom family laid.
In wondrous squalor there enjoy
As magic glamour they employ.

For every day in that place spend
A thousand to the real world end
And food there truly does fulfill
The need to e'er leave under hill.

 © G.Burns. 24-Mar-2012

In the silence

Still, waiting
Gently suspended
Between silence and delight.

Now finally
Harmonies are open;
Flows music that’s taking flight.

Two true spirits
Open forth in song
Two breaths joined into one voice

Two hearts alive
Syncopation cease
Instead together now rejoice.

A canon once wrote of love
Sung forever and above.
All I am and hold is true
Now forever give to you.

Trumpet call the happy morn
Of the place where we’re reborn.
Flute a melody of grace
Sing upon this happy place.

In the silence
That we now know
And we are known.

© G.B. 17-Mar-2012


Licorice, honey and wine roll together
Down a meadow filled with  harvest of straw.
Wave upon wave, flowers in the heather
Bloom within a harmony that’s become law.

Sun within the sky grows gentle reddened
Above the lazy resting labour’s peace.
Evokes song of honour’s ancient heaven
Brings joyful our work to moment’s release.

Arriving stars suspend the sky becoming
Night relief of all the daytime’s aches and loss.
Healing balm of peppermint succumbing
As relaxation all our cares engross.

Song to celebrate a harvest living
Music redolent of heartfelt giving.

© G. Burns 17-Mar-2012


Music garden

Image of peace
Sitting at rest
Hand poised awaiting time
A gentle feeling in it’s place.

The hand descends
Like birdsong then
Sound of wonder flying
Free above the simple melody.

The sound of wind
On reed profound
A dreaming gentle peace
That soars upon the air and sky.

Music restrained
In wood and string
With hammers rising, falling
Hidden yet exploring hearts alive.

Together celebrate
We float and soar
‘To the sky, garden’s delight
With ears amazed at all our sight.

© G. Burns 17-Mar-2012



A lotus flower floating so serene
A gentle place where flowing waters leap
Summer bathes in water there unseen
Beside embankment’s modesty so steep.

Then dappled light that beauteous flower shade.
A holy thing both sacred, kind and true.
A friendship held of nature wholly made;
A peace enjoyed by only just a few.

For in that place no fear can ever steal
Away the hope eternity bestows.
That lotus flower beyond all life is real
And peace the path deliberately chose.

A gift, a name bestowed upon the true
That gift my friend, I give it unto you.

© G. Burns12-Mar-2012


Young love

Beauty’s face candlelit by setting sun
Of rose infusion colour marked by day,
That wondrous joy of lovers delight won
Victory of hope and happiness to stay.

Yet world’s confusion interferes with hope
Responsibilities dissolve that joy.
The world of waiting, wishing to elope
Remain instead, forever care employ.

With heavy heart the joyful must delay
Impulsive desire storing deep in trust
Embryonic love, aborted dismay
Awaiting consummation of its lust.

Yet treasure house of living still awaits
Delight a garden harvest contemplates.

© G. Burns 11-Mar-2012